
At Sunny Ridge Retrievers, we recognize the importance of providing daily stimulation and a high level of interaction. We utilize every opportunity possible to ensure all puppies are properly stimulated and well-socialized with dogs, children, and adults. Taking these steps helps to provide the best possible temperament and promotes their mental well-being. 

Early Neurological Stimulation:

The process of early neurological stimulation begins at just 3 days old and continues until they are 2 and a half weeks old. 

Click the link below to learn more about early neurological stimulation!

There are multiple approaches that are proven to be effective and we utilize many of these methods on-site until pups transition to their forever homes. We begin the process, however, it's critical for pups to continue receiving daily stimulation and socialization. Keeping your dog stimulated and amused while you're away is vital to their mental wellbeing and it promotes good health. While it will never replace a traditional walk, experimenting with these approaches can make it easier to say goodbye to your pooch when you leave for work. 

Click the link to learn about additional ways to stimulate your new puppy!

Sunny Ridge Retrievers.  All rights reserved 2019
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